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What is a Faithful Church? Part 4

Writer's picture: Pastor StevenPastor Steven

The Apostle John was exiled to the island of Patmos during the cruel reign of Domitian. John’s crime was that he proclaimed and shared the saving message of the Lord Jesus (Revelation 1:9). On Patmos, John received a prophetic revelation concerning not only the future but also seven letters to seven churches that existed in that time in Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey). These letters are filled with correction and encouragement not only for the believers in those days but even today.

In Jesus’ letter to the church in Philadelphia (Revelation 3:7-13), the Lord provides four criteria that identify a faithful church. In this series of posts, we will explore each of these criteria as described in verse 8, where the Lord commends the church.

The first criteria of a faithful church is that it takes advantage of the opportunities that the Lord provides them. The second criteria is relying on the Lord's strength rather than their own. The third criteria is not simply hearing the Word of God but being obedient to it. What is the final criteria?

Upholding His Name

Finally, Jesus provides the last criteria that we will consider. The church in Philadelphia had not only been faithful in obeying the Lord’s Word, but also faithful in not denying His name. The late Henry Morris observes how the third and fourth criteria correlate.

“When a church begins to deal loosely with the word of Christ, it will sooner or later deny the name of Christ. The name of a person stands for his character, his position, his work - all that he is and does. The concept of the name of Christ is, therefore, vital.”[1]

In other words, the Philadelphians identified with the Lord and were willing to suffer any consequences. They maintained a faithful witness even amid any potential difficulties. Warren Wiersbe writes that “they were true to God’s Word and unafraid to bear His name.”[2]

So, what defines a faithful church? It is one that seizes the ministry opportunities given by the Lord, relying solely on His strength, remaining obedient to His Word, and unyielding in proclaiming His name.

Does this describe you?


Pastor Steven

[1] Henry M. Morris. The Revelation Record, pg. 72. [2] Warren Wiersbe. The Bible Exposition Commentary, NT Volume II, Ephesians-Revelation.


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