What we allow into our minds will eventually come out in our lives. It has been said that “no one would allow garbage at his table, but many allow it served into their minds”.[1] Today, we have access to so many things that are unhealthy for our minds such as those found on the internet, social media, and television. Is there any help?
While in prison, Paul provides the church in Philippi with various ways to maintain peace of mind. In Philippians 4:8, Paul addresses what we allow into our minds which inevitably makes its way into our lives. He instructs them to dwell on a list of certain things. The word dwell (logizomai) means to ponder, think, or chew on. Take some time to dwell on Paul’s “list”:
True not false
Honorable not shameful
Right not sinful or unjust
Pure not coarse or impure
Lovely rather than offensive and unpleasing
Commendable and not slanderous
Things excellent
Things worthy of praise
By following Paul’s advice, “Christians can renew their minds so that they will not conform to the evil habits of this world (Rom. 12:2).”[2]
What we allow into our minds will eventually affect the way we live. What are you allowing into your mind through the internet, social media, and television? Ask the Lord to help you desire the things on Paul’s list and remove those things not on it.
Pastor Steven