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Writer's picturePastor Steven

Boldness in the Lord

1 Thessalonians 2:1-2


Opposition to the truth has always been a problem for Christians. Although many people search for truth, hearing the truth found in God’s Word is not always received in a positive way. Whether it was the Old Testament prophets, Jesus, or Paul, opposition to the truth is nothing new. This can cause a person to hold back sharing the truth or alter it to avoid difficulty. In 1 Thessalonians 2:1-2, Paul provides us with an example to have a bold witness for the Lord regardless of opposition.


Coming from a difficult ministry in Philippi, Paul continued to Thessalonica on what we refer to as the Second Missionary Journey. Determined and faithful as ever, Paul wasted little time in finding a synagogue in Thessalonica where he could share the Word with the people. Just as Paul’s pattern was to preach in the synagogues, so was the pattern of mixed reactions. In other words, Paul’s experience in Philippi could have caused him to change his approach in Thessalonica. But it did not. Why?


“A less robust person could have thought of numerous theological reasons why God was calling him to more congenial audiences. But not Paul! He preached the message fearlessly despite great opposition, a direct result of the Spirit’s filling.”[1] 


Paul uses the word “in vain” (kenós) which means hollow or empty, related to his ministry in Thessalonica. According to Acts 17:4-5, in Thessalonica, some believed while others not only did not believe but became antagonistic toward him. This would lead to Paul’s soon departure to Berea. This would be something that many would see as a failure. However, many lives had been changed because of the missionary’s faithful ministry.    


“Paul's point was that his ministry had borne fruit in the Thessalonians' lives. Paul's was not the reaction of a person who seeks personal recognition or money. Such a person would move on quickly to a more friendly and profitable audience.”[2]


Even though many people search for truth, hearing the truth of God’s Word is not always received in a positive way. If you have ever shared Christ with others and been rejected, Paul’s exhortation is to continue despite the opposition. Like Paul, let us resolve to boldly sharing the gospel regardless of opposition.


Lord, give me courage to share the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ despite any challenges I may encounter. Just as you have strengthened your people throughout history, may the Holy Spirit make me strong when I may tend to be weak. In Jesus name, Amen.



Pastor Steven

[1] The Believer’s Bible Commentary, pg. 2078.

[2] Constable’s Expository Notes. 1 Thessalonians – 2024 Edition.

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