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Writer's picturePastor Steven

Becoming Imitators

1 Thessalonians 1:6-7


James Baldwin once stated that “children have never been good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them.”[1] When we first come to faith in Jesus, we are like children. As children, we need examples of other Christians around us to help us grow. One way we grow is by imitating those mature believers around us who are reflecting Christ. The Thessalonians became imitators of Paul and the Lord, even though it was not easy to do so.


The Thessalonians did not receive the gospel of Christ in an easy environment. Rather, they received it during severe persecution. In Acts 17:4-10, Luke tells us that after many believed the message of the missionaries, jealous Jews formed an angry mob which evidently led to Paul leaving Thessalonica. In 1 Thessalonians 1:6-7, Paul reflects on that time with thankfulness. Why? Paul could do this because the Thessalonians were following the example of the missionaries and the Lord.       


“They received the Word in deep affliction. They did not receive the Word because it was easy to receive; they received it in spite of the persecution they knew would follow.”[2] 


Even though receiving the Word was difficult, they were in good company. Paul encourages them that they were imitating the missionaries and ultimately Jesus. All of them had suffered hardship, so the Thessalonians were not alone. It is always encouraging to know we are not alone as we endure difficulties. The order is important to note. Paul never hesitated to exhort others to follow his example, but this was only in the case where he was following Christ (1 Corinthians 4:16; 11:1). A new Christian may follow other mature believers that model Christ, but in time they must learn that the best example is the Lord Himself.


“This should be our goal also, to lead others to Christ by our own virtuous example. As we focus on Jesus, we will reflect His image to others.”[3]


Every Christian is exhorted to imitate Christ. Paul encourages us that we are not alone when we follow Christ, even in hardship and the difficult times of life. These verses should cause us to pause and ask, who am I imitating? Is it other mature believers and then ultimately the Lord?  In what ways can you better imitate Christ?


Lord, thank you for the encouragement that, as I follow Christ in this world, I can expect the path to not always be easy. Just like the missionaries and the Lord Himself, following you is not always easy. Help me to have the courage to model my life after Jesus, because there is no greater example to imitate. Amen.



Pastor Steven

[2] John Walvoord. 1&2 Thessalonians, pg. 24.

[3] The Nelson Study Bible, pg. 1573.

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